A huge thank you to author Chris Ewan for such an excellent evening at Onchan Library as part of our themed Food for Thought season of talks. Crime and cookies were on the menu as Chris gave an entertaining insight into how he came to write his award winning mystery series - The Good Thief’s Guide. The guides feature the crime writer Charlie Howard, a good hearted thief with a droll sense of humour.
The Good Thief’s Guide to Amsterdam’ and ‘The Good Thief’s Guide to Paris’ have both been short listed for CrimeFest Last Laugh Awards.
Charlie’s exploits then took Chris to Las Vegas, and he’s currently working on Berlin.
‘The Good Thief’s Guide to Venice’ is being published in April, and can be pre-ordered from Onchan Library, or from local book shops.
Here's Chris making a Good Thief Style entrance to the library .
"Il m'apparait que j'ai perdu mes clefs"
I seem to have lost my keys
One of the essential phrases from the Good Thief's Guide to Paris...
The Good Thief series has taken off on a worldwide basis, and is published in 10 countries around the world. Visit Chris’s website: http://www.thegoodthief.co.uk/ to find out more.
Thank you once again to Chris – everyone thoroughly enjoyed the talk, questions & answers session, reading and book signing. We’re all looking forward to more from The Good Thief and reading the new crime novel based on The Isle of Man.
Thanks also to Jeanette Suddards for the photos, and to the library staff for baking the cookies!
Our next Food for Thought evening will be with author Trevor Norton on Tues 26th April.
You must read these...
Chris Ewan is the local co-ordinator for The CWA Young Crime Writer’s Competition, and entry forms are available from all local libraries.
Hurry – entries must be in by 18 Feb!